Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash
Typically, most people are not doing a wholesale rearrangement of the home's layout during a remodel project. A wall might be opened up to make a more open concept layout or a doorway widened, but most windows, doors, and walls tend to stay in their current locations and configurations. It's usually just within each room that a remodel takes place. And everything about the physical properties, layouts, and architecture of the house stays put when only redecorating or changing furniture!
Thus, as mentioned in previous posts, most of the space planning principles are best accomplished through new construction or home additions. The next best way to accomplish them is through a remodel and finally, some principles can still be accomplished using the existing layout and architecture of a house. A good designer will apply as many of the principles as possible while working within the various project constraints. Trade-offs will most likely need to be made to balance the competing aspects of a project such as the overall home layout, room dimensions, budget, project timeline, client wants and needs, project objectives, intended room functions, ideal dream look of the space, etc.
One now common way that these principles are being put into practice is through the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs). These units are all called in-law units, granny flats, or secondary dwellings and they are typically built as a separate building in the back of a home's lot, as an addition to the home, or as a garage conversion. Since these ADUs need a sleeping space (bedroom), bathroom, and kitchen to qualify as an ADU, it is wise to employ the space planning principles when designing these units. Please see this linked document of an OVOLO Interiors ADU space planning project for a garage conversion and addition.
Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash
Following the principles of space planning, as laid out in the previous blog posts, will help lead to a functional and fashionable home. Feel free to contact OVOLO Interiors if you'd like more information or to get started on a project in your own home.
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